
  • Zulutrade widget

    Zulutrade widget – application for simple and easy way to keep an eye on your live ZuluTrade account! THE WIDGET IS NOW PART OF THE ZULUTRADE APPLICATION Provide the credentials of your live account and ZuluTrade Widget will monitor your equity and profit constantly. You will be able to set a custom update interval depending on you network efficiency.

  • Namegame

  • Video world


  • IPad Generic Catalog

    IPad Generic Catalog Application used to make manipulation with products easier. Each product is classified in few groups (by manufacturer , by type, by location, etc.). Main achievement in  this  application is that database ofproducts can be  downloaded to  iPad  and  available  offline. Each  time application starts  ( iPad part  )  it  checks  forupdates  on server  ( server side , backend  application ). If  updates   areavailable , iPad  pull  new  version  of  database  from  server . Also, user  management  system  is implemented ( with SSOthrough windows authentication ). Technlogies: ObjectivC for iPad part (frontend) and ASP, WCF for server side (backend), SQL Lite for both parts.

  • Akazoo chat

    Akazoo Chat for iPhone is a free application for chatting (public or private) that makes the most of the iPhone’s unique features, such as shake to buzz, and double-tap to switch between discussions. For all those of us with multiple IM accounts, the application can connect to most of the big IM networks (e.g. msn, Gtalk, yahoo, ICQ, AIM, GaduGadu) to import and merge all our friend contacts.

    Users can create a new Akazoo profile within the app, and chat online using Akazoo avatars, keep up with multiple conversations, receive incoming IM alerts and friend requests, block users, create chat rooms (with optional password protection), add or delete contacts, see their friend lists and find their contacts easily.

    The app contains seven main areas: profile, contacts, chatrooms, status, discussions, networks and settings. “Profile” allows users to edit an existing Akazoo account or create a new one, “Contacts” displays a list of friends, “Chatrooms” displays a list of all available Akazoo rooms, “Discussions” keeps track of who they are actively chatting with, “Status” allows them to set status (e.g. visible/away). In “Networks” users can add other IM accounts and change settings for sounds, ‘buzz’ and offline contacts.

  • EventMS

    EventMS Application designed to allow events manipulations (meetings, seminars etc). Application also has two parts. First is a backend admin part. Administrator can create new events, during that he can add some data about that: he can attach images, pdf’s, geographiclocations, etc. Events can be searched by all criteria. Also, usermanagement system is implemented. On front end (designed for iPad) user can subscribe to events he wants and can be informed and alerted if something new about that event is published. Also, classic event alert is available (reminder). Technologies used: Silverlight, MS SQL Server 2008, BingMaps (Silverlight SDK) for backend and ObjectivC for frontend.